Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at HCA Virginia Support Services

Nurse Navigators in Richmond

Through Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at HCA Virginia, patients are supported by nurse navigators, who specialize in your specific type of cancer, and walk with you through your journey. Your nurse navigator is a member of your multidisciplinary care team who serves as an advocate and educator for you and your family. Nurse navigators facilitate communication between your entire care team, help coordinate appointments and transportation, and are there to address any other barriers you may face during your cancer journey.

Multidisciplinary Conferences

Multidisciplinary conferences are meetings where doctors across specialties come together to discuss a personalized treatment plan for your cancer. Patients and their families can be assured they are receiving the best treatment plan from a team of expert physicians at HCA Virginia and across the Sarah Cannon network.

Cancer Support Groups in Richmond

Our team can connect you with support groups for cancer survivors, caregivers, breast cancer, newly diagnosed breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gynecologic cancer, leukemia and lymphoma, and bereavement. We also can direct you to Latino/a-specific support groups.

  • Henrico Doctors’ Hospital Cancer Support Groups
  • Johnston-Willis Hospital Cancer Support Groups

Clinical Trials and Research

Together with Sarah Cannon Research Institute, the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, the Gynecologic Oncology Group, the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project, and numerous surgical companies, HCA Virginia helps you access more clinical trials than any other cancer center in Virginia

Cancer Survivorship Program

With the individualized assistance of our cancer survivorship nurse navigators, you can get back to your life, your work and your family by learning to adapt to changes in your energy level, nutrition and medications and the potential for lymphedema or swelling and fluid retention. Classes, support groups, educational resources, and cancer survivorship events all help to restore your quality of life.

Members of your care team work together to help you succeed in developing a plan for your ongoing healthcare. Whether your life returns to the way it was before your cancer diagnosis and treatment or you're facing a new normal that encompasses concerns about your physical and emotional health or finances, planning for your future helps you move forward productively.

To learn more about cancer services in Richmond, visit HCA Virginia's Meet Sarah page.