
Through our network across the United States and United Kingdom, Sarah Cannon reaches more than 100,000 newly patients diagnosed with cancer each year, giving our team comprehensive insights on cancer care delivery.

Sarah Cannon's physician experts are at the forefront of clinical research and transforming the standard of cancer care, providing patients with access to the latest treatments through one of the largest community-based clinical trial programs. Sarah Cannon’s Personalized Medicine Program brings together experts in cancer research and personalized medicine, and the latest technology to help physicians determine the best treatments for their patients.

No two cancers are identical. The genetic characteristics of a cancer vary from one patient to the next. Sarah Cannon believes personalized medicine – tailoring treatment to the individual patient’s cancer – is critical for drug development and offering the right treatment, to the right patient, at the right time.

In the cancer journey, your physician will determine a personal treatment plan, which may include a combination of therapies for your cancer.
